Hannukah Night Two!

It’s Night Two of Hannukah and I come bearing more gifts!!

How about a free 30 minute nutrition consultation?

Your health and fitness goals will only go as far as you go in the kitchen!

Let’s talk not just about what you’re eating, but HOW you’re eating and help you get the results you want!

If you’re interested, please comment, or message me at ken@sandlerstrengthandfitness.com

Happy Hannukah!

Tips to Reduce December Stress

As we get into December and the holiday season, we all know how stressful this time can get. I love the airplane analogy – you need to take care of yourself BEFORE you take care of everyone else. Here are a few tips to reduce the stress:

1)Get good sleep and rest. Think 6-8, 7-9 hours a night. You will not just wake up feeling rested with energy, but that sleep helps your body recover from everything you did the day before.

2)Workout – Schedule your workouts! Make sure you are moving every day. I suggest trying to get to the gym to strength train at least 3-4 times a week. But make sure you at least take a walk or do something. Exercise is not just for weight loss, it helps you mentally, and kicks in those positive endorphins.

3)Eat good whole non-processed foods. Yeah, this one will be a bit more challenging with the parties and holidays. but think 80/20. Enjoy those parties, but the rest of the time, protein and veggies, good real food. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and drink water!

4)Find your ‘You’ time – maybe you meditate every day for ten minutes, maybe you read or write in your journal. Heck, is there a game you play on your phone? Take that time every day to just reset and decompress.

5)Turn off the news. I don’t care which side you’re on. The election is over. Take a break and watch something else a bit more positive or just listen to music. You don’t need the added stress.

Hope these help. Any other questions, please contact me!


Three Great Tips to Stay Focused on Your Health and Fitness Goals on Thanksgiving Day!

Are you as excited for Thanksgiving as I am?

I will be headed to New Jersey to see my family. I cannot wait to play with my little cousins – 2 3 yos and a 2 yo! Cousins are awesome!!!

I wanted to share with you some of my favorite healthy tips for staying focused on your goals on a holiday. These tips are good for ALL holidays, not just Thursday. Remember, your goals don’t take days off. I want you to enjoy the holiday, but I still want you to finish the year strong?

Why am I posting this now and not on Thursday? So you have to time to read it, print it and understand it of course! Will you really be reading Word Press on Thursday? If you do, probably not until the day is over. You’ll be busy with family eating and watching football. I remember when I used to work in TV news and Thanksgiving morning we would always do these ‘how to buy the best turkey’ kind of stories. I always thought, kind of late for that, huh? That’s why you get this now! So you can prepare!

Here you go, my best tips to help you stay on track on your health and fitness goals, AND enjoy Thanksgiving Day:

1)Get a workout in. – You have plenty of time to still get to the gym, lift weights, or do what you want to do. Dinner isn’t at least until early afternoon. You have plenty of time to move your body! That workout will also give you good energy during the day.

2)Don’t starve yourself until dinner, eat protein. – This is one of those funky ones right? It’s Thanksgiving, and let’s be honest, even as we think of the meal, we are dreaming of third helpings of turkey and stuffing. That’s fine, but when we are too hungry, we tend to overdo it. In other words, stick to your regular eating habits. Eat your protein and veggies during the day. It keeps your body on track, and guess what – those foods will keep you fuller so you DON’T go nuts around the table! Remember, your body will tell you when you are hungry and when you are full. Listen to those cues. And when you give your body that protein and veggies and good food it needs, before dinner, you are continuing to build muscle and burn fat to keep getting your results.

3)Drink water! Yeah, you gotta make sure you stay hydrated. My suggestion would be this. a 1:1 ratio. If you’re planning on a few adult beverages or even just soda, have a glass of, or bottle of water for every ‘fun’ drink you have. In other words, alternate. water, alcohol, water, alcohol. Maybe even more water earlier in the day.

Simple, right? Basically, enjoy the holiday, but treat it as a regular day!

Hope these help you. Any questions, please feel free to contact me! Have a great weekend!

Ken Sandler


#getbettereveryday #achievegreatness