Little Bouts of Exercise will do You Good!

I encourage you and all of my clients to move every day – 30-60 minutes of intentional exercise. It will help you both physically and mentally.

BUT – I also know that our days can get busy and we don’t always have the time. Please make the time.

But I also never said you had to do 60 consecutive minutes of exercise, did I?

Small doses of exercise every day can be just as beneficial. Not to mention, a great way to add extra movement to your day!

This means when you have 10-15 minutes at a time, go move! A quick walk outside after lunch. Making sure you get up from your computer every hour. Or how about leaving a set of dumbbells and a jump rope nearby if you work from and doing a quick circuit of exercises a couple times a day – some chest presses, squats, lunges, or rows, followed by some core and conditioning, is a great, quick little workout!

Give it a shot and let me know how it works for you!

Any questions, or if you need ideas – please contact me! I would love to help you reach all of your health, fitness and nutrition goals! It all starts with one phone call where we discuss your goals and create a program that works for you! Let’s get started today!


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